Video Guide: DAY 2 。Yacht talking:Keep don't let him know your role. 。Go Kitchen:W r y doing? > I can cook. 。Take a rest on your bed -> Go pool. 。Sitting alone and smile to Alex. 。Pool Party:No type > For fun. 。Choice Alex in the Night pool Party. 。Deep talking:about dormitory > Okay. Day 3 . Choose Alex as your teammate . Mansion 2f check the body > go to the back door and check the metal door > take the axe > break the door > check the monitor and phone > go back to Don's room . Chalet > Ask Will > Meet Bruto and Yuji's talkback. . Route A: Stay at the mansion (doesn't trigger a perfect ending but does trigger an HJ Event). HJevent: say anything > you're right > eat his cum > continue . Route B: Stay in the cabin (triggers the perfect ending) . Go to the bathroom and meet Harry > ask for clues in Harry's room > go to Yuji's room > go back to Yuji's room and ask for clues > ask about the morning > ask follow-up questions > feel Cool >Feel Sad > Talk to Will > Ask about the morning Day 4 (EP4) . No major events, free time. Day 4 (EP5). . Alex's investigation (See Killer Guide) Day 5 . Prison: Save Alex by pinning items 1 to 3, left to right, in order. . Divergence: Choose the left door. choosing the right door will result in Alex's perfect ending fails. Perfect Ending Trigger 。No one dies and the mystery of the corpse is solved > Choose Alex at the dock Bad Ending 。The mystery of the corpse is solved and anyone other than Ekram and Alex dies. EP H (Happy after) . Check your phone for Alex's messages > Call Alex > Go to the UMF Dormitory . Talk to Conner > Ask for more information > Don't give up . Top floor with Alex > Keep it up > Perfect ending